5 Ways to be a Successful Federal Contractor
Market Your Business to the U.S. Government
Marketing your small or medium business to the U.S. government requires a different approach than selling to the private sector. Successful federal contracting takes specialized preparation to ensure you win contracts and grow your business.
To help you get started or do a check-up on your current program, our experts offer the following five federal contracting tips for your business:
Start with research. Researching the federal contracting market is essential to understand which agencies or departments are most likely to be interested in what you offer. Look at past contract awards and solicitations to determine which agencies have previously purchased similar products or services.
- Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Your USP sets you apart from your competition and will persuade federal buyers to choose your company over others. It is important to clearly define your USP before starting your marketing efforts.
- Clearly explain your company’s capabilities and experience. Federal purchasing officers want to know you have the capabilities and expertise to deliver what you are offering. Review your written descriptions and summaries, as well as lists of credentials, and describe past performance to explain how you can provide the required products or services.
- Secure or renew certifications and registrations. Many government contracts require certifications or registrations—be sure your company has them. Examples are Small Business Administration (SBA) certification and active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM).
- Research your competition. Understanding your competitors is essential to creating a successful marketing campaign. Determine what your competition offers, their pricing (if possible), and how you can differentiate your company from them.
By following these five tips, you can ensure that you are targeting the proper agencies, clearly understand your USP, and have the necessary certifications and experience to deliver what you are offering. Each step will improve your chances of successful federal contracting.
More Helpful Contracting Tips
Adapting your output to meet the government’s needs is another critical step in preparing to market to the U.S. government. Federal agencies and departments often have unique needs and requirements that must be met. Understanding its procurement process is one key way to adapt your product and service output to meet the government’s needs.
Learn the procurement process. It is often highly regulated and can involve numerous rules, regulations, and requirements. Understanding the process is important so you can tailor your marketing efforts and business processes to meet the government’s needs.
Understand the specific needs of the government agency you’re targeting. Each agency has requirements and regulations, and it’s important to tailor your approach to meet those needs. For example, if you’re targeting an agency that strongly focuses on environmental sustainability, you may want to highlight the sustainability features of your products or services.
Remember that formatting matters. Ensure your output is in the correct format. Many government agencies have strict requirements for documentation, including formatting and content. You can increase your chances of success when marketing to the federal government by ensuring that your output meets the requirements.
Be adaptable. Adapting your output to meet the government’s needs is an important step in preparing to market to the federal government. By understanding the procurement process, tailoring your approach to meet the needs of specific agencies, and ensuring that your output is in the correct format, you can increase your chances of success when selling to the federal government.
Consider Collaborations: Offer a “Total” Package
Pro tip: One way to increase your chances of winning a federal contract is to collaborate with other businesses to offer a “total” package. The government frequently looks for an end-to-end solution that may require combining products and services from different companies.
Teaming up with other businesses can offer meaningful advantages:
Complement your company’s products or services
- Expanding your geographic reach
- Providing access to new clients
To build an effective partnership, look for potential businesses that complement your capabilities and align with your company culture. It is also essential to agree on the division of labor, establish clear communication channels, and define roles and responsibilities from the outset.
Working with other businesses to offer a “total” package can also help mitigate risk and ensure the government receives a comprehensive solution that meets all requirements. By leveraging the strengths of each partner, businesses can offer a competitive proposal tailored to the government’s needs.
Use These Federal Contracting Tips to Boost Sales
Growing the top line (sales) is important for every small business, and our five federal contracting tips for success will help you market your business to the U.S. government. Also, be organized in your approach and consider collaborating with others to improve your prospects for success.
If you want expert support and advice in these areas, consider working with us at the Federal Contracting Center. We serve businesses in all sectors that do business with the U.S. government.
Ready to unlock new opportunities? E-mail our dedicated Contracting Specialists today or call us at (855)-700-5143, and let us guide you on the path to government contracting success!