Best-in-Class Business Capability Statements Matter

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    Federal Capability Statement Improvement Service

    When you have us improve the Federal Capability Statement in your SBA (Small Business Administration) profile, you’re accessing one of our most important services. We may be well known for SAM registration and renewal assistance, but our best-in-class Federal Capabilities Statements are among the most helpful. They are a terrific asset to your business — successful government contracting doesn’t happen by accident. It requires effort and know-how to get ahead.

    We’ll turbocharge your SBA profile to help bring more government contracts to your business.

    Why does your capability statement matter so much? Nearly all selling opportunities begin online today, and federal contracting is no exception. As a result, optimizing your online listings is vital. It helps dozens of government agencies find you to inquire about your products or services.

    • The SBA (Small Business Administration) wants to succeed, but it only works when you provide a high-functioning capability statement like the one we’ll produce for you.
    • Maximizes all required data
    • Tells the story of your products or services
    • Persuades readers to request a bid
    • Optimized with keywords for online search
    • Takes advantage of all opportunities

    You’ll be impressed by the difference it makes when your capability statement is powerful and persuasive. Every day that passes with an ordinary or too-brief statement costs you orders and sales and affects your bottom line. It’s quick and easy to make a significant improvement by working with us.

    Example of a Capability Statement for a Trucking Company

    Federal capability statement for a business that contracts with the U.S. Government. Capabilities statement writers at Federal Contracting Center.

    Upgraded Federal Capability Statements and ROI

    You’re in business to make money, so asking about the ROI on our Federal Capability Statement services is natural. The return on investment for our services is excellent, and what we do works for businesses in every category. Our goal is to improve your sales and profitability meaningfully.

    We price our services competitively for the quality we deliver, and you’ll notice a difference from day one. As soon as we improve your SBA profile, your search traffic will increase, and people from government agencies will be persuaded to inquire about your services and products.

    Ask us about the successes we’ve had helping hundreds of other businesses.

    Improving your SBA profile is an excellent place to start if it’s time to step up your marketing efforts. There are few opportunities where your marketing spend can produce results that rival improvements in your profile. It directly connects to government contracting opportunities and sparks the inquiries that lead to increased business.

    If you’re registering with SAM or renewing your SAM registration, it’s an excellent time to consider upgrading your SBA listing. The two can work together to grow your business.

    Our capability statement experts are ready to take your call (855) 700-5143

    What is DSBS, and Why is It Important?

    DSBS stands for Dynamic Small Business Search and is an SBA tool that helps government buyers find information about your business. Better-written and more descriptive profiles help you come up in more searches, and they make your products and services sound more appealing to searchers. As a result, they’re a crucial part of the process.

    When someone uses DSBS to learn more about your business, they see information in multiple categories. It includes but is not limited to:

    • The location of your online profile
    • Certifications your business holds
    • Information about ownership
    • The general and specific nature of your business
    • Size, capabilities, profile status

    In every case, you want to put your best foot forward and provide all the information that is requested and allowed. Erring on the side of detail and completeness gives you more opportunities to convince prospective buyers of your value and the quality of your products and services.

    Why Good Enough Isn’t Enough

    Having a Federal Capability Statement that’s “good enough” in your SBA profile can put you at a competitive disadvantage, with companies providing more (and better) information. In most cases, your statement is the first thing a federal buyer reviews or requests from you. Making it better has many advantages.

    Make your content thoughtful, relevant, and engaging. The opportunity lies in going further than merely explaining your company. The content becomes compelling when you explain how you do things and how it improves the quality of your products or services.

    Memorable design and easy readability give you a boost. The well-worn cliché about people judging books by their covers holds true for web pages. Making a solid impression visually and providing content that’s easy to read gives you an advantage.

    Intuitive formatting helps win over viewers. Intuitive design is an internet buzzword for easy-to-use web pages and matters. Improving the user experience on your profile and statement will win over people who visit and increase their interest.

    Taking an audience-focused approach wins every time. What are government buyers looking for when they read your profile and statement? When you focus content and design on their needs, it’s an easy choice for them to pick you over another company.

    Giving yourself competitive advantages at every step of the process, from your SAM registration to your capabilities statement, will improve results. Going all-in on your online content ensures you’ll see better results. If you’ve been setting sales goals and are ready to achieve them, this is a great way to do it.

    Your Business Needs Proactive Marketing

    As a business owner or manager, it’s easy to be distracted by your daily work and responsibilities. But it can hold you back when it comes at the expense of revenue-generating activities like sales and marketing. One of the most important reasons to work with us is to jump-start your marketing.

    The primary use for the content we develop is your SBA profile, but it can also be used proactively in other areas or in response to information requests. Professionalizing your business marketing materials is wise for any business and always pays short—and long-term dividends in helping attract new clients.

    Today is an excellent day to start growing your federal contracting business proactively.

    Our federal contracting specialists have years of experience and are sincerely interested in our clients. We’ll take time to learn about your business, what it offers, and your sales goals. Everything we do will help you attract new government contracts, grow your sales, and maximize profitability.

    Improved Capability Statements are an Asset

    What direction do you want to take your business in? Our priority is helping you drive your federal contracting toward the areas that work best for you. Talk with our specialists about where you are and where you want to go—and we’ll help you get there. Our quality-centered approach is individualized to your business and needs. Everything with us is custom, and we’ll bring you to life online.

    • Capture more of the contracting opportunities you want
    • Present a holistic view of your business that demonstrates its value
    • Highlight core and new products and services to the federal marketplace
    • Outperform your competitors in key areas
    • Spark more interest from buyers visiting your SBA pages

    More and better opportunities await you every day when you do a better job of presenting yourself online. If it’s felt like a mystery to you, working with our experts at the Federal Contracting Center will make it straightforward and understandable. We simplify our clients’ lives as we help them grow their businesses.

    Upgrade Your Federal Capability Statement Today

    Whether you have a new or existing business, have been a government contractor for years, or are just starting, upgrading your Federal Capability Statement matters. An improved SBA profile will benefit you immediately and pay dividends in the form of more contracts for years to come.

    We make it easy for you to improve your business results with affordable pricing for our services. You can start the process today by calling or contacting Federal Contracting Center online. We’re ready to help, and our specialists will make the process move quickly and smoothly.

    Optimize Your DSBS Profile & Register with SAM Today

    1 Year DSBS &
    SAM Registration

    One-Year Registration & Renewal


    3-Year DSBS &
    SAM Registration Renewals



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