

U.S. General Services Administration

What is a GSA Schedule Contract?

Securing a GSA contract is essential for any company aspiring to sell to federal government agencies. A GSA contract grants companies streamlined access to government buyers, akin to how they market their products to commercial clients. This contract not only expedites the federal purchasing process but also amplifies sales prospects within the government sector. With a growing emphasis on procurement efficiency, federal buyers are increasingly opting to use GSA schedules.

These contracts have become the go-to purchasing mechanism for government procurement officials and decision-makers. Recent regulatory changes in federal contracting have further underscored the importance of holding a GSA contract for businesses targeting the federal market. As a testament to this, GSA contract sales have consistently risen over the past decade, with an impressive $37.5 billion in products and services purchased through GSA contracts in recent years.

GSA Schedule Benefits

  • Facilitates the application of commercial sales strategies within the federal market.
  • Grants government buyers the capability to sole-source your offerings.
  • Dispenses with the need for formal competitive bidding processes.
  • Accelerates the federal procurement cycle.
  • Broadens your marketing reach to include government clients via GSA Advantage!

How Do I Qualify for GSA Schedule Contracts?

  • A minimum of 2 years of business operations.
  • At least 6 past performance references.
  • No owners have been involved in bid rigging, tax evasion, or similar indictments within the past three years.
  • No corporate bankruptcies in the preceding year.
  • Prohibition on products entirely manufactured in China.
  • Prohibition on IT services outsourced to India.
Help finding GSA contracts for small businesses. GSA schedule contracting opportunities.

Contact Us to Learn More

With the right knowledge and preparation, your company can tap into the opportunities available through GSA Schedule Contracts and establish a presence in the federal market. Start your journey toward a GSA contract today! With our comprehensive government contracts consulting services, you’ll have the support and guidance needed to navigate this process smoothly and successfully. Don’t wait. Apply for a GSA contract and elevate your business!

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TO RENEW YOUR SAM Registration

Please call 1-(855)-700-5143 For Direct Assistance

Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM ET

A System for Award Management (also referred to as SAM) Registration must be renewed annually to stay compliant and active. FCC recommends that businesses renew 90 days before the SAM expires to prevent service penalties and/or interruptions.

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